Friday, February 19, 2010


My mother always claimed I was a spoiled child (thanks Dad). On this trip, thanks to the genius who thought up reciprocal moorage, I'm feeling a little spoiled. Last night's retreat was at a reciprocal with the San Juan Island Yacht Club in a marina in Friday Harbor. Here we have heat with a 30 amp power connection. (30 amp power seems more difficult to come by in reciprocals, but who's complaining.) With 30 amp power we can have the heat running and cook with the electric burner at the same time. In fact, we can also charge the batteries and get the water heater hot as well. With 15 amp power, which we've found more of, we only have heat, and just a little heat at that. Anything more than level 2 on our heater and it blows breakers. Level 2 heat is still much better than no heat! Spoiled indeed.

This time of year we've found buoys are largely open, and thought they feel more secure than anchoring, hearing them pound the bow during night when the tide is flowing one way and the wind pushing the boat another is no way to get a good night's rest... not good for the fiberglass on the bow, either.

Anchoring is my least favorite way to spend the night. I'm leery of any sound meaning that we've drifted and are tapping the keel on a rock on shore. Plus, there is a the routine of setting the anchor and pulling it up again the next day. Neither of those activities rank high on my favorite sailing activities list.

This trip we haven't had to anchor even once. Yep, spoiled.

Friday Harbor, by the way, is a very lovely little town. Thank you again, San Juan Island Yacht Club! If anyone out there is looking for an affordable and fun yacht club with excellent reciprocals, check out the West Seattle Yacht Club.


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