Monday, February 15, 2010

Martian lights

Beams of Light over Vancouver, by Van FeltSo although it's cloudy again this morning, Vancouver is putting that natural resource to good use by pointing robotically controlled spotlights in the air and waving them about in various artistic fashions. The picture you see is a view of the beams we have yet to enjoy, but we can see the spots playing on the overcast; when we first noticed them on Saturday night, Mandy said, "Look! The Martians are sending messages home!"

Turns out it's nothing to do with the Olympic volunteers, though, it's an art installation along the shores of English Bay for the Olympics called "Vectorial Elevation." I had imagined they just ran it during the festivities, but when we woke up ungodly early this morning, we could see the spots playing across the clouds out the hatch over our heads in the v-berth. It's a slightly trippy way to wake up.

You can watch it live online (after dark, I presume) at the link above.

Picture Copyright Van Felt, Licensed under Creative Commons

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