Sunday, July 11, 2010

Small victories

This morning we sailed off the anchor, something boats with no motor do every time they weigh anchor, be we have accomplished (or even attempted) only a handful of times in the past four years of semi-regular sailing. Albeit, the conditions were pretty good: there were no other boats exceedingly close to us, and the wind was from a mostly favorable direction while being neither to weak nor too strong, and the amount of rode out with the anchor wasn't excessive, meaning it could be pulled up rather quickly.

Scott has to do all the heavy lifting in circumstances like this. He must quickly raise the mainsail, then immediately shift to pulling up the anchor. My job is to listen to him beforehand about the technique we will use, then try my best to remember and follow the instructions at the helm once he is at the bow and we can no longer speak gracefully about matters.

The primary goal was to not end up on the rocks of the Chain Islands, about 200 feet to port. The secondary goal was to get out of Ganges Harbor without starting the engine (we had the batteries switched to the starter bank just in case we decided to ditch the endeavor and continue to meet the primary goal).

Both goals were met, I dare say, even with grace.

I liked Ganges. We were lucky enough to be there on a Saturday, too, and got the experience the VERY popular Farmer's Market.

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