Saturday, July 10, 2010


We pulled into Ganges in the Gulf Islands yesterday and will probably stay for a couple of days. We rowed in this morning to go to the Saturday farmer's market, which is, as most of those things are, more of a crafts fair than farmer's market, but it was good-sized and there was a lot of neat stuff and overpriced organic foods to be had.

The weather has been great since we left, and our 20W solar panel has been doing a bang-up job of keeping the house bank charged up. Still, we'll probably haul out our generator for the first time today to get the laptops charged up and allow us to work some while out at anchor. We're getting decent wireless out in the bay, and we're anchored far enough out that the noise shouldn't be too much of a bother to anyone else.

Anyway, this is just a quick update. I expect I'll post something more before we leave.

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