Thursday, September 10, 2009

Catching up

What with all the running around we have been doing since we got back from the honeymoon, it hardly seems as if we actually are back... we've just slipped off into some parallel universe where we have no home and no permanence but simply slide from one hectic journey into the next with short pit-stops in half-familiar boats and houses.

I mentioned the yacht club event that we attended the week after we got back; after that, we scrambled around catching up on work for a week and then a friend and I attended PAX here in Seattle the following Friday (exposing ourselves to swine flu in the process, apparently... I feel fine, though. achoo!). The next morning, Mandy and I got up early and drove to Spokane, where we stopped off to check out our recently minted lawyer friend Loyd's new digs and our friend Don's ongoing remodeling project (both looked good), then continued on to a family camp out up on the St. Joe River in northern Idaho. It was a little drizzly, on and off, but we had a good time and got to catch up with a lot of family we have not seen in a couple of years.

Coming back through Spokane on Monday, I got a text message saying another friend had fallen and broken her ankle. Apparently there had been rain on both sides of the mountains, and she had slipped on some slick stairs and smashed it up pretty good. I got to see the films later after helping her get to a doctor's appointment--they were pretty ugly, chunks were off floating around randomly in places where there aren't supposed to be any chunks. She had surgery last night and got a skyscraper's worth of hardware installed but she'll be laid up for a while.

So this week has been a lot of running around in between helping with that situation and Mandy have another presentation in Federal Way today. We're supposed to be getting the house cleaned up and cleared out and ready to rent, but our time has been available here in such limited chunks that we aren't making much progress... or if we are, it doesn't really look like it.

Tomorrow we'll get a truck load of stuff off to storage though, and hopefully that will help. I plan to get everything that we want to hang on to stored, and then go through and just shovel everything that is left into the truck to go to either Goodwill or the dump. Our goal is to get everything clean enough to have potential renters able to start looking at it by the fifteenth. We had better, because the Lake Union Boats Afloat show starts the next day, and I plan on attending. Of course, we're missing out on the annual Wooden Boat festival in Port Townsend this weekend, but that is at least partially because I thought (or had been told, by someone who ought to have known better!) that it was last weekend and not this one.

Anyway, we're staying busy, but we're not making a lot of progress. Hopefully next week will change all that.

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